Orders / Shipping

When will my order be shipped?

Once your order is marked as Approved, it means the seller is in the process of preparing it for shipment. Sellers typically have 11–15 days to dispatch the package. If the item isn’t shipped within this timeframe, the order will be automatically canceled.

Occasionally, unforeseen circumstances can cause delays. For example, during the coronavirus outbreak in China, some sellers faced shipping challenges, prompting us to extend the deadline. Please rest assured that these extensions do not impact the warranty period or standard delivery times.

If the designated period has passed and your order is still in the Approved status, reach out to our support team for assistance.


Will my orders arrive in the same shipment?

Since sellers are often based in different locations, items purchased at the same time are typically shipped separately.

There are some exceptions:

If multiple items are bought from the same seller, they might be packed and shipped as a single parcel.

If you order items from different sellers within a short timeframe, they might be combined at our warehouse and shipped together in one larger package.

The more items you purchase at once, the higher the likelihood they’ll be consolidated, though this can’t be guaranteed in advance. If your orders are combined, they’ll appear in your purchase history under a single tracking number.


What do I do - if an order is missing requested item?

Please contact us and make sure to: 

  • describe an issue in detail
  • attach photos of the rest of the items you received and the package with the shipping labels on it


Please contact us, for additional questions.